Greetings and Salutations-
A few days ago I was reading an article on Yahoo that was talking about finances.. This viewpoint was not to think about a goal in concrete terms but instead to picture how it will feel once you reach it.. I have to say that while I can understand where that frame of thinking comes from I believe a goal is better to be as specific as possible.. Thinking about how you will "feel" when you have achieved your goal(s) seems a bit like a fantasy if you ask me...and trust me--I have better things to fantasize about ;) When you save with a clearly defined goal in mind for most it gives you an objective way to measure your success (or lack there of) when you attain it.. I do believe that no matter what way you chose to go at your goal--just do it (sorry Nike).
What are your goals? Have you ever officially ever set one? Have you ever achieved it in a timely manner? Make a goal simple, concise, and measurable.. It should be something like "by 12-31-12 I will have $300 in my emergency fund" or "I will spend 20 minutes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week taking a walk or run the week of 10-29-12" and and put it in a place that you view everyday.. As you read it and re-read it- you will start to make subtle choices in your habits that will help get you attain your goal.. Start out with a few to get going.. Chose a number you can live with.. Maybe that number is one.. Maybe it is five.. Pick a few things that mean something to you and go for it.. It can be financial or personal.. I have a goal board in my kitchen.. I can tell you that I burned it up for the first 4-5 months of the year.. I have slacked off with that and my success for goal setting has taken a nose dive.. Why? Because I am not taking the time to write out my goals in black and white and read them day after day.. Thinking about them in my head is not the same as writing them out.. I must get back to this so that I can get the machine of accomplishments going once again.
In a great book I am currently reading--"Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell it describes a behavior that I have been participating in that until now I had no idea what it was called.. Priming.. When I put words or phrases up on my 12x12 square of cork in my bathroom to read everyday of positive statements-- that's priming. When you have goals on a goal board or central location to read over and over again-- that's priming.. You can prime for good thoughts or bad thoughts.. All of the books that I have been reading that prescribe to this behavior have not used this phrase "priming" to describe this action.. Now I understand why it can be so successful with changing behavior.
Most of us have an internal dialogue which is quite self deprecating.. With diligent effort this dialogue can be re-written and all that was once negative can be positive.. Imagine what your life could be if you really believed that with patience, due diligence, persistence, and a positive belief system that any and all things are possible.. There is a common denominator I see and read about with people who "get it" about life--a commonality that they all share--clear and purposeful goal setting.. Most didn't know how they were going to get there--they saw the vision of their life as they knew it to be long before it was evident on the outside for the world to see.. What are your goals?
Tootles :)
I need to start priming, thanks for that makes total sense! Happy Tuesday!