Monday, February 11, 2013

Slow And Steady Wins The Race

Greetings and Salutations--
     So each week I try and not really pre plan what I will blog about until either it hits me (ouch) along the way or when I sit down to the computer and just let it roll off my mind.. I want it to be natural and not feel contrived.. Today it hit me when I was at work-- I became aware of a few very VERY small changes I have made in the office..  I noticed that it made me feel as if I have made some progress-- Some change.. It gave me a better mental attitude to look at other things that are not where I would like them to be with renewed optimism --To feel with time those things can change as well..
     This made me think more centrally to my life and all the things I work on improving on a daily and weekly basis.. Somethings are coming to me quite easily while other things seem to be eluding me every day.. It made me think about altering my current strategy.. For the immediate moment-- Still working on a few things to keep at, but for a few weeks all I am going to concentrate on is my time management.. Currently that is my biggest albatross and it is a huge sucker!! I mean-- those are big birds but damn!! Anyway-- and I also plan to work on intermingling some of my smaller tasks and goals in with the larger ones to feel that sensation of success and even the secondary gain of how it can change your outlook overall.. Slow and steady really does win the race and I am in constant need of reminding myself of this.. I tend to go overboard with things that I see I want to change about myself or in the world around me.. I have to remind myself to be the turtle..
     It is funny what has come natural to me to turn my life in a direction consistent with my standards and expectations of who I am today.. My drive to make myself who I will be tomorrow.. It is a desire so strong I have no choice but to follow the path to where it leads me.. It is equally funny those basic habits that I feel I should have mastered by this point, yet I still struggle with to this day.. Working the Monday through Friday grind has proven to be one of the hardest.. It has really shown through how undisciplined I am about daily routine and consistency.. I have to tell you I SUCK at routine.. No matter how much part of my mind wants it-- the other part doesn't and fights it all the way kicking and screaming like a 2 year old.. I can assure you the half that likes the routine will prevail but it is very difficult to win myself over to myself!!
     This is where some of the smaller wins can add up to the bigger stuff-- which somehow seems kinda easy to me on some level-- I mean damn-- I can do what it takes to get a dedicated left turn signal up at an intersection-- but I can't pull off making breakfast every day of the week for 2 weeks straight in a row--  Really? I am willing to write a letter and try and gain financial support for a project from a major company but I can't keep my house picked up on a consistent basis-- Really? How is this so? I guess it is just part of who I am and I am learning to accept this about myself and work around it..
     Do you live your life to reflect your own standards? Have you ever thought about it in such a formal way? Are your choices in how you live your life congruent with the standards you set for yourself and those you choose to have in your life? If not-- What can you do to start to making positive changes and steer your life in a better direction? If you life was a silent movie would the audience get a sense of who you are by your unspoken actions or be confused?

Tootles :)

1 comment:

  1. My silent movie would be wild because I am funny as hell!!! I consistently fall down my steps, never get up when I want to, stub my toes and lay on the ground in pain....consistently inconsistent
