Greetings and Salutations
Hope this finds you well as always.. Tonight I was thinking about how to inspire yourself and how action(s) that you take can do that.. When you are looking to do something different, change something, or improve upon something you must of course first being to think of what needs to different, changed, or improved.. Spend some time thinking about this.. A well thought out plan is an organized and linear approach to devise the action that you need to make things happen.. This plan is shifting in both length and scope in direct relationship to what you get accomplished and what either gets a check mark, addition, or strike on the list.. A plan must be flexible in order to keep you moving in a forward direction.. You have thought about it, lamented about it, prayed about it, and written it down a million times.. There comes a point when you begin your journey and figure it out as you progress down the path of your life.. When it moves from paper to reality..
Let me give you some examples of that I am talking about.. Out of my need to do more social things I joined few Meet-Up groups last year.. The one I have really stuck with is a cooking class.. Without making a dissertation of what this class really is, the most important thing is the by-product of this class.. It got me back in the kitchen.. Last year when I started participating in this group I was on cooking strike that had lasted six months (or more).. From there I bridged the gap of wanting to make lunches for the work week in my head to actually making it happen.. When I go to these classes it reinforces my presence in the kitchen and renews my commitment to cook my meals on a consistent basis (ie for the work week, not when being social).. It gives me new ideas to try out.. It INSPIRES me to be in the kitchen in general.. To associate fun with that activity if for nothing else to be creative in the kitchen.. When I help create food in her kitchen I would normally shy away from (but love) to try myself, it gives me confidence to remember I have already done it once, so there for I am more likely to try again.. It works.. I love cooking so much better.. I am getting around not wanting to cook just for myself by cooking the meals for the week (for dinner).. This is my current project: Make dinners when I make work lunches on Sundays..
Here is another example.. I am reading a book about time management.. Now to be completely transparent this book kinda frustrates me, here again is the cliff notes version, because I have to constantly read between the lines.. I have to translate the ideas into my world.. Figure out how I can make it work for me in my life.... I don't work for myself or from home.. I don't have a husband and kids (the main two perspectives of this great book).. The thing that has kept me reading is that this chick is spot on about how she sees time.. I am really starting to get a handle on managing my time sooo much better.. It is difficult to put into words.. Its really super cool.. Makes me want to write a book one day about time management from the perspective of single, in your forty's and no kids without having to read between the lines.. I am looking at time in smaller blocks instead of a continuous stream.. For instance I dedicate "X" amount of time to doing something: cleaning, reading, writing Thank You notes, yard work, etc.. When that time is up I then move to the next task to be done.. I repeat this until I have accomplished my goal.. More often than not, setting an allotted amount of time and sticking to it amazingly gets the job done the first time around..
Thinking about time and how I want to spend it lead me to cancel my cable.. I have no idea where you are on the continuum of TV watching but, while I don't watch much on TV what I do too frequently sucks me in.. I waste too much time if it is anything more than about four hours a week watching anything (including an average weekend) and usually it is.. Funny truth is that not having cable has never occurred to me as an option.. Until now.. I traded TV money for a monthly massage membership.. Not a dime (extra) comes out of my budget from what I have been spending already.. After thinking about it for about 2 . 2 nanoseconds massage trumps TV any day of the week..
I hope you see the over all point I am making with my living examples.. On my chalkboard in my kitchen the current message is "Never stop improving.. Think quality of life, always".. Develop a list and decide what you want out of your life.. Be open and look for the secondary gain in all things.. Especially the ones that you think won't make a contribution to your cause.. Often, its those that can inspire you the most.. Don't forget your primary goal is to get your life headed in a forward direction.. Now get your badonkadonk and get moving..
Tootles :)
This blog is a melting pot of thoughts, ideas, and observations about the journey life is taking me on as I learn and demand the most out of myself to have a life full of depth and fulfillment..
Monday, June 17, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
The Best Has Yet To Come....Right?
Greetings and Salutations
Tonight I was pulling into my driveway when a song came on the radio that I don't think I have heard in about forever.. You know the kind, the ones you haven't heard in years yet you immediately know all the words and can remember what you were doing when you heard it last.. The tune has left me as the music I am currently listening to fills my head but I can tell you I know exactly what I was doing the last time I heard it.. I was about sixteen or seventeen and I was slow dancing with some dude.. I can remember back then I didn't know what the world had in store for me but I was filled with potential.. Filled with all the possibilities the way you are when you are in your late teens and feel that the world is an endless place of opportunity.. You hadn't had much time to screw up your life if you were lucky and I was.. I had managed to stave off teen pregnancy and drugs to name a few.. I knew I was going to attend college.. I knew I was going to be a nurse.. I remember how attention from a guy made me feel nervous.. I can picture myself as if it was yesterday yet I remain now as I was then speechless as to describe what I was feeling inside.. I do know now the thought that never dawned on me during that time in my life.. That what I wanted and what reality would be for me were two very distinct points that would for the next twenty-six years not always be one in the same..
What is the task of your forties? I don't mean Erickson's teachings.. I mean without looking it up in a book what is the task at hand? When I was in my late teens and early twenty's it never occurred to me that there was a difference between what I wanted and what I would have.. That is an interesting truth to admit to myself.. I followed along.. I graduated from high school.. I went to college.. I graduated with a degree and career.. I got married.. Then what? I got divorced.. Then what? I stuck around Charleston for a few years working.. Then I traveled for ten years.. I played.. I traveled.. I partied.. Then what? I met the guy I honestly believed what the "one".. I came home.. Five years and lots of tears later he is one of my best friends, but I am back to the drawing board.. In my forties I find myself compelled to be the best I can be.. To make those choices that some make earlier in life and others have still yet to figure out.. Decisions that I didn't or haven't made until now for myself.. I am trying to make better choices with my time, friends, potential lovers, job, and effort in life..
I was talking to a friend this morning and she was telling me about how old she felt physically.. It isn't as much the actual words she was saying.. It was the message I heard underneath the words.. "I'm forty-eight and I'm old".. The other day I saw Maya Angelou on Oprah and she was talking about how with each decade it gets better and better from thirties, forties, fifties etc.. She said the seventies and eighties rock and put the other years to shame.. So how do I figure out how to fight the feeling that I can't get to where I want to be? That I am not past my "prime" if the best has yet to come? I know for sure I'll continue to travel in a forward direction because while I am trying to figure it all out time will pass anyway.. Might as well keep making efforts to improve the quality of my life.. And I guess that IS the thing I am striving for.. Not just better choices in life but to change the quality of my life..
Maybe if I keep my head in the space that everything I am doing contributes to that quality I can get over the hump.. I can accept that when you go from floating along in life and making the best of what comes your way is completely different then CREATING a life that is full of quality.. That the latter takes lots and lots of work, dedication, and patience for the payoff.. Maybe this is the task of your forties.. Quality in life and everything that you choose to fill it with.. How you choose to face those things that you may not have either had a choice in or happened as a direct result of poor thought processes at the time..
I will plugging along and choose to believe that my future is bright with possibilities and that I feel blessed when I help other people, including myself, though being a nurse or writing a blog.. I will continue to follow this path and enjoy the journey along the way.. All things truly are possible and if you get bored or give up and close your eyes that is when you will miss your turn to your destiny.. I don't know about you but I would rather stay awake and not miss the turn in the first place.. I get the phrase 'the journey is the destination' and I totally believe in it.. I don't want to rush it but at the same time I can't help to feel "am I there yet?"
Tootles :)
Tonight I was pulling into my driveway when a song came on the radio that I don't think I have heard in about forever.. You know the kind, the ones you haven't heard in years yet you immediately know all the words and can remember what you were doing when you heard it last.. The tune has left me as the music I am currently listening to fills my head but I can tell you I know exactly what I was doing the last time I heard it.. I was about sixteen or seventeen and I was slow dancing with some dude.. I can remember back then I didn't know what the world had in store for me but I was filled with potential.. Filled with all the possibilities the way you are when you are in your late teens and feel that the world is an endless place of opportunity.. You hadn't had much time to screw up your life if you were lucky and I was.. I had managed to stave off teen pregnancy and drugs to name a few.. I knew I was going to attend college.. I knew I was going to be a nurse.. I remember how attention from a guy made me feel nervous.. I can picture myself as if it was yesterday yet I remain now as I was then speechless as to describe what I was feeling inside.. I do know now the thought that never dawned on me during that time in my life.. That what I wanted and what reality would be for me were two very distinct points that would for the next twenty-six years not always be one in the same..
What is the task of your forties? I don't mean Erickson's teachings.. I mean without looking it up in a book what is the task at hand? When I was in my late teens and early twenty's it never occurred to me that there was a difference between what I wanted and what I would have.. That is an interesting truth to admit to myself.. I followed along.. I graduated from high school.. I went to college.. I graduated with a degree and career.. I got married.. Then what? I got divorced.. Then what? I stuck around Charleston for a few years working.. Then I traveled for ten years.. I played.. I traveled.. I partied.. Then what? I met the guy I honestly believed what the "one".. I came home.. Five years and lots of tears later he is one of my best friends, but I am back to the drawing board.. In my forties I find myself compelled to be the best I can be.. To make those choices that some make earlier in life and others have still yet to figure out.. Decisions that I didn't or haven't made until now for myself.. I am trying to make better choices with my time, friends, potential lovers, job, and effort in life..
I was talking to a friend this morning and she was telling me about how old she felt physically.. It isn't as much the actual words she was saying.. It was the message I heard underneath the words.. "I'm forty-eight and I'm old".. The other day I saw Maya Angelou on Oprah and she was talking about how with each decade it gets better and better from thirties, forties, fifties etc.. She said the seventies and eighties rock and put the other years to shame.. So how do I figure out how to fight the feeling that I can't get to where I want to be? That I am not past my "prime" if the best has yet to come? I know for sure I'll continue to travel in a forward direction because while I am trying to figure it all out time will pass anyway.. Might as well keep making efforts to improve the quality of my life.. And I guess that IS the thing I am striving for.. Not just better choices in life but to change the quality of my life..
Maybe if I keep my head in the space that everything I am doing contributes to that quality I can get over the hump.. I can accept that when you go from floating along in life and making the best of what comes your way is completely different then CREATING a life that is full of quality.. That the latter takes lots and lots of work, dedication, and patience for the payoff.. Maybe this is the task of your forties.. Quality in life and everything that you choose to fill it with.. How you choose to face those things that you may not have either had a choice in or happened as a direct result of poor thought processes at the time..
I will plugging along and choose to believe that my future is bright with possibilities and that I feel blessed when I help other people, including myself, though being a nurse or writing a blog.. I will continue to follow this path and enjoy the journey along the way.. All things truly are possible and if you get bored or give up and close your eyes that is when you will miss your turn to your destiny.. I don't know about you but I would rather stay awake and not miss the turn in the first place.. I get the phrase 'the journey is the destination' and I totally believe in it.. I don't want to rush it but at the same time I can't help to feel "am I there yet?"
Tootles :)
Sunday, June 2, 2013
I think I Can... I Think I Can...
Greetings and Salutations
So today I thought that I would share the successes of my week.. Seems like a good follow up from last week's blog.. The following thoughts of course contribute to why I believe it is advantageous to have a positive belief system.. When the good stuff hits you can enjoy it on a level of pleasure you never thought possible.. And I am not talking about moving heaven and stars.. I am talking about that little stuff that I am always speaking of.. That little stuff that always adds up and together helps reshape your world into something wonderful if you allow it to..
So what did I get right? I have kept the house more picked up.. Still a work in progress but I am acutely aware of the goal I am after.. Keep picked up so I can have my weekends to myself and do something other than clean like the step child from Cinderella.. I feel like I am on a good path with that.. Funny how the little things can trip you up.. I went though my junk drawer with paperwork that gives me nightmares every time I open it (which is often) It is something I have been putting off for quite some time and now it is done.. I reorganized my current stack of "things to do" so that it would increase the odds that it would actually get done.. So far so good.. The pile looks better and is more manageable..
I think I have found my optimal sleep number.. It is eight hours for sure and the sweet spot is eight hours and fifteen minutes.. I can't begin to tell you that the foundation to any real accomplishment (s) begin (s) with good, sound, consistent sleep.. Sleep deprivation is insidious and should be taken very seriously.. Adequate sleep is the tone that all things forward are framed by in your life.. Patience, mood, health, and overall outlook about life to name a few.. Funny thing is it is a catch twenty-two.. You really don't believe in it until you have done it enough to make it a habit and see past your doubt.. Doubt is a strong foe.. It can undermined any attempt(s) at changing (bad) behavior.. Doubt is a mirage and saboteur of real progress.. I guess it is like all other things in life.. You have to live it to believe it..
I read this weekend again Saturday and Sunday for about an hour before getting out of bed.. I have mentioned this before but it is worth mentioning again.. It's decadent.. It is such a peaceful way to start your day.. Try it and tell me what you think. . As with most new behaviors, it may take a time or two to really feel it.. Maybe you won't.. But it is such a treat.. It is a gift I would love to give you all.. Reading before you get out of bed makes it worth it to wake up early.. It is giving to yourself and reaping the reward silently as you read your favorite book.. Time is precious and when you give yourself the gift of taking time out for you, only then do you really relish it..
I started my long list of "Thanks You" notes I have been needing to send out.. It has been difficult to get into the right zone to make that happen.. It felt great to get the ones done that I have.. Still have more to go but I am further ahead then I was five notes ago.. I called one of my Mom's friends to see if she wants some of her clothes.. That has been on my list for two weeks.. It is funny.. I never hung out much with my Mom's friends before, but now that she is gone, I feel closer to her through her friends..
Today I ran out the pool table (meaning that my opponent never had an opportunity to shoot during the game).. I broke the rack and it was a b-e-a-utiful break and sank a ball.. I then proceeded to make every shot.. All the way to the eight ball.. Now I gotta tell you and those that play pool understand.. It was AMAZING.. I haven't played in something close to a year.. Months and I can leave it at that.. I have NEVER ran the table before.. Two shots including the eight ball were very difficult.. One of the two was a combo..
Why am a sharing an AWESOME pool story with you other than I am a really cheap date to be so very excited about this feat? I could see every shot before I made it.. I was in a zone.. I could feel it and I had no doubt I was going to make it.. I want you and I to figure out how to replicate this in other areas of our lives.. Imagine what you can accomplish with such clarity.. Such vision.. It was truly a remarkable feeling.. It wasn't about killin' it on the table.. It was about a personal best and how that felt.. How much in the moment I was and nothing else mattered.. I will learn how to replicate that again and again in my life in other areas.. Just as I have done with smoking.. I just did it..
This weekend has finally culminated into a beginning of a sense of accomplishment for some of the hard work I have been putting in.. It is progress from last week.. I feel progress towards some base goals that I don't feel I can or should more forward (with the others on the list) until the basic goals are a habit.. A dear friend pointed out this weekend was a very social one and she is right.. That is the place I want to delegate a fair amount of my time..
Speaking of time delegation I bought this really cool App "Eternity" for my IPOD.. I am tracking all areas of my time and where I spend it.. Commute to and from work, my blog (will have to estimate this time-- I forgot to start the timer), cooking, cleaning, talking on the phone, computer time, TV time, any catagory you chose to monitor.. You can track more than one event at a time if you are multi-tasking.. It is such a cool tool.. How can you decide where you want to spend your time more diligently if you have no idea where it goes.. Where you actually spend it, not where you imagine you spend it and how much.. I am currently reading a book (of course) "168 Hours You Have More Time Than You Think" by Laura Vanderkam and it is changing the way I see my time and how I choose to spend it..
The final act to kick off a great and stellar week is that for about a month now I have wanted to manage my time well enough to blog on Sunday and prepare lunch for the week.. Guess what-- I just did.. Have a fantastic week.. Set a goal and go after it.. Write to me about your success.. Even if you don't accomplish it, take the steps to try and tell me about how close you came..
Tootles :)
So today I thought that I would share the successes of my week.. Seems like a good follow up from last week's blog.. The following thoughts of course contribute to why I believe it is advantageous to have a positive belief system.. When the good stuff hits you can enjoy it on a level of pleasure you never thought possible.. And I am not talking about moving heaven and stars.. I am talking about that little stuff that I am always speaking of.. That little stuff that always adds up and together helps reshape your world into something wonderful if you allow it to..
So what did I get right? I have kept the house more picked up.. Still a work in progress but I am acutely aware of the goal I am after.. Keep picked up so I can have my weekends to myself and do something other than clean like the step child from Cinderella.. I feel like I am on a good path with that.. Funny how the little things can trip you up.. I went though my junk drawer with paperwork that gives me nightmares every time I open it (which is often) It is something I have been putting off for quite some time and now it is done.. I reorganized my current stack of "things to do" so that it would increase the odds that it would actually get done.. So far so good.. The pile looks better and is more manageable..
I think I have found my optimal sleep number.. It is eight hours for sure and the sweet spot is eight hours and fifteen minutes.. I can't begin to tell you that the foundation to any real accomplishment (s) begin (s) with good, sound, consistent sleep.. Sleep deprivation is insidious and should be taken very seriously.. Adequate sleep is the tone that all things forward are framed by in your life.. Patience, mood, health, and overall outlook about life to name a few.. Funny thing is it is a catch twenty-two.. You really don't believe in it until you have done it enough to make it a habit and see past your doubt.. Doubt is a strong foe.. It can undermined any attempt(s) at changing (bad) behavior.. Doubt is a mirage and saboteur of real progress.. I guess it is like all other things in life.. You have to live it to believe it..
I read this weekend again Saturday and Sunday for about an hour before getting out of bed.. I have mentioned this before but it is worth mentioning again.. It's decadent.. It is such a peaceful way to start your day.. Try it and tell me what you think. . As with most new behaviors, it may take a time or two to really feel it.. Maybe you won't.. But it is such a treat.. It is a gift I would love to give you all.. Reading before you get out of bed makes it worth it to wake up early.. It is giving to yourself and reaping the reward silently as you read your favorite book.. Time is precious and when you give yourself the gift of taking time out for you, only then do you really relish it..
I started my long list of "Thanks You" notes I have been needing to send out.. It has been difficult to get into the right zone to make that happen.. It felt great to get the ones done that I have.. Still have more to go but I am further ahead then I was five notes ago.. I called one of my Mom's friends to see if she wants some of her clothes.. That has been on my list for two weeks.. It is funny.. I never hung out much with my Mom's friends before, but now that she is gone, I feel closer to her through her friends..
Today I ran out the pool table (meaning that my opponent never had an opportunity to shoot during the game).. I broke the rack and it was a b-e-a-utiful break and sank a ball.. I then proceeded to make every shot.. All the way to the eight ball.. Now I gotta tell you and those that play pool understand.. It was AMAZING.. I haven't played in something close to a year.. Months and I can leave it at that.. I have NEVER ran the table before.. Two shots including the eight ball were very difficult.. One of the two was a combo..
Why am a sharing an AWESOME pool story with you other than I am a really cheap date to be so very excited about this feat? I could see every shot before I made it.. I was in a zone.. I could feel it and I had no doubt I was going to make it.. I want you and I to figure out how to replicate this in other areas of our lives.. Imagine what you can accomplish with such clarity.. Such vision.. It was truly a remarkable feeling.. It wasn't about killin' it on the table.. It was about a personal best and how that felt.. How much in the moment I was and nothing else mattered.. I will learn how to replicate that again and again in my life in other areas.. Just as I have done with smoking.. I just did it..
This weekend has finally culminated into a beginning of a sense of accomplishment for some of the hard work I have been putting in.. It is progress from last week.. I feel progress towards some base goals that I don't feel I can or should more forward (with the others on the list) until the basic goals are a habit.. A dear friend pointed out this weekend was a very social one and she is right.. That is the place I want to delegate a fair amount of my time..
Speaking of time delegation I bought this really cool App "Eternity" for my IPOD.. I am tracking all areas of my time and where I spend it.. Commute to and from work, my blog (will have to estimate this time-- I forgot to start the timer), cooking, cleaning, talking on the phone, computer time, TV time, any catagory you chose to monitor.. You can track more than one event at a time if you are multi-tasking.. It is such a cool tool.. How can you decide where you want to spend your time more diligently if you have no idea where it goes.. Where you actually spend it, not where you imagine you spend it and how much.. I am currently reading a book (of course) "168 Hours You Have More Time Than You Think" by Laura Vanderkam and it is changing the way I see my time and how I choose to spend it..
The final act to kick off a great and stellar week is that for about a month now I have wanted to manage my time well enough to blog on Sunday and prepare lunch for the week.. Guess what-- I just did.. Have a fantastic week.. Set a goal and go after it.. Write to me about your success.. Even if you don't accomplish it, take the steps to try and tell me about how close you came..
Tootles :)
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