Greetings and Salutations,
I have a few drafts saved of posts I either started or never finished. I re-read this one and thought it worthy to post since it was thoughts on my mind at that moment and that is what this blog is about. I wrote this 3/19/2014. The eve of the 1st anniversary of my Mom's death and close to my departure for out west. I was feeling a bit feisty it would appear! Some of these feels are still with me.
So this is a new one for me blogging after being pleasantly served. Celebrating my life and friends in Charleston. Wonder how to the point this will end up LOL. Let me get some music on and a glass of wine for writing and night night time :)
I think I finally tipped my anxiety point. I feel relaxed and ready to receive what comes my way from this point on. I continue to be open to what God and the Universe will send my way. Travel is the most fundamental thought I have on my mind. I want to travel the world and I firmly believe it is part of my calling. I want to see as much of this world as possible in my life time.
I am approaching the 1 year mark of the death of my mother I feel better than I did, but I do realize that I will truly never feel the same. I cry easier. I feel feelings deeper. I hear time ticking in a different way than before. I feel a drive to make it all count. I am glad that I kept the promise to myself to wait a year before doing making any major decisions. I am at the foot steps of that promise and I feel secure in my decision to pursue my dream and adventure.
I wish my mom was still with me. I don't feel the "she is looking down on you" Bullshit yet. I pray one day I will feel this. I feel it for others, just not for me. I really wonder why. Why has this feeling escaped me? Others are so sure. I have faith to believe, but I just don't feel it yet. Maybe the drive I feel and sharp focus is my mom working through me. Mom was always a shaker and mover. Why would I expect my mom to reveal herself to me as an angel sitting on her ass? This is the first time I have thought of this. Actually sounds dead on.
So back to travel. I want to travel and soon. It is about 70% of why I am going to California. Not to travel nurse but to travel the world in pleasure. To get so many stamps in my passport I need more pages. I want to work my ass off and get a travel fund and get outta here. I want to go to pretty much everywhere. I wanna go to Thailand and Vietnam. Croatia and Italy. Hong Kong and all points in between. Australia, Prague, Budapest, Back to France, Greece, London. New Zealand. Gee I am thinking pretty thinking I need to get my ba-donky-donk going so I can re-coop expenses from this initial adventure and get my travel fund rocking. Ah so much to see and do! I can't wait!!
You were a little ball of fire at the end of this one