Friday, September 25, 2020

Always Find Reasons To Say Thanks

 Greetings and Salutations,

Hi there! Wow. It's been a hot minute since I wrote last. There is much I could say about my absence, how much I have say tonight, how much has been on my mind, or I could just get to it. I'll do the latter. Hope you have all been making it thru these COVID days and nights and doing the best you can.  I would actually like to thank COVID. Without it, I am 110% positive I wouldn't be where I am in this moment.  But more about that later. Lets do this!

  So for me, It's been six long ass, painful months in this Covid process and where my life has been and where it is right now.  I spent six months in crisis mode.  Not knowing nor trusting what the next moment would bring me.  My hours at work have changed. Less. Hell, for awhile I had to be SUPER creative to find hours.  Now, that has passed and I am left with less hours overall than I had available to me pre-covid. I have learned to get creative and be much more purposeful with my money, which I needed to get back to anyway.  So that is another Covid thank you.  Thank you for bringing me back to what I needed to be doing all along financially.

Another Covid thank you.  I have learned so many incredible things about myself.  Many things I think without this F%^ed up (Covid) experience I may have either learned years down the road, if ever. What inspired me to blog tonight is an overwhelming feeling of  "I like myself".  In a way I never have before tonight. Simple, clear, easy for some, but a journey in life for myself.  Without getting too tangled up in the disclaimers.  Yes. I like myself.  Yes I even love myself.  I have many attributes I can recognize within me.  But the "Heather" that people see is much different than I  what see reflected back in the mirror or even my minds eye of who I am.  But as usual, I want to go much much deeper than that with you tonight.

I live alone. I am a VERY gregarious person. Think a sheet cake of gregariousness with sprinkles on top of needing alone time (which I do need in small frequent doses).  I am not here to cry a river any different that anyone else.  But this blog is about life and things from my perspective which is what I plan to discuss. Living alone in isolation has taken it's toll on me.  I will stick to not the things that seem obvious, but to things I have learned personally about myself.

In being stripped of all things Heather: travel, planning travel, traveling alone, traveling with family, or friends, meeting new people, being in new cultures, and the high/intoxication that comes with all of what travel gives me has been soul crushing.  Make no mistake: I work to live, not the other way around.

In addition I can't take a single class in person.  Cooking, knitting, macramé. zip.  The "loss" of my friends that I had actually worked quite hard to find (and I did in a knitting class for example). And some of those friends I actually have loss and possibly will never see again because of Covid (they may never teach classes again, never take that class again, or simply move on in life as we do).  I live off hugs.  Long ones.  I so miss physical contact (and I don't mean PHYSICAL contact. That is a different blog hahahaha).  I had worked to find my fix for that too.  I had certain people I would seek out I knew would ALWAYS greet me with a hug.  That's gone too.  So much more, but I will keep my list manageable.  So you may be asking WTF am I "thanking Covid" for.

I have chosen to go within and learn about who I am and what I'm all about.  I don't feel like I've had much of a choice.  Let me explain. Hang on as I repeat myself. I can't travel (my PASSION and reason for being alive), take classes, hang out with friends, get hugs, or bury my sorrows, anxiety, depression, or happiness at a bar for hours on end.  I can't go to a bar and wonder if by some WILD accident I will run into the man of my dreams who just happens to be out as well. I no longer wear "normal" clothes, put on make up or fix my hair.  I can't plan my way out of a world wide shut down.  I can't get around lines to the grocery store, lack of toilet paper, or the coin shortage in a time when I actually need quarters to do laundry (insert GIANT eye roll emoji). All I have day in and day out after work is ME. Heather minus all (good and bad) distractions.  Places that I used to hide.  In plain site or not.  I used to elect not to get "fixed up" and go out for a night "on the town".   Now, I can't imagine doing that even if I could (and some places you can). 

I have started painting and drawing.  I've discovered I have a passion for watercolor painting.  Was 110% convinced I could neither draw nor paint.  I am creative, but "not like that".  That takes "major" talent.  Guess what?  I'm better at both than I ever imagined.  Guess what else?  I didn't know I had a passion for (especially watercolor) painting.  Don't get me wrong, I like acrylic too.  But watercolors make my pupils dilate and make a warm hot place in my heart AND soul. I smile and talk to myself while I do it.  I laugh and feel JOY when I watch You Tube tutorials and watch a piece come to life.  I don't think if I hadn't been forced to be still and alone for months on F'Ning end I would have discovered this about me.

I don't want to make this blog too long.  There is much more I have to say about the things I have learned about myself during these past six months. In the stillness, profound isolation, and craziness of it all I have finally surfaced and am ready to get back to living and better yet thriving.  Drawing and painting is far from the depth I have gone within, but it is a light I wanted to share that filtered to the top tonight.  I suspect it is because I am really proud of my self discovery without it being so "heavy", goal driven, or a check list (as is all my habit).  Just pure and creative. Involuntary joy seeping out of me via the tip of a paint brush.  This found its way thru many, many tears and moments I thought quite honestly thought I was about to loose my shit.  Reaching out and leaning on my friends and family in ways in all my years on the planet I never have.   Felt like a failure for not being as resilient as I thought I was (and am).

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts.  It is forever a debt of gratitude.  I could only hope my thoughts, failures, successes, and honesty in the journey that is my life, any piece or part,  would resonate with you. Please be kind to yourself during these pivotal times. For many of us, this is uncharted territory. Our darkest times and we aren't confident of the outcome personally.  Can we weather this storm?  It may look very different from anything else (crisis) you've experienced before now.  For others, this is but a minor blip as you've weathered much worse in your life.  I so admire your strength to know "I got this" is your core mantra because you have lived thru worse personal shitstorms.  I can't wait to take on the next challenge in my life with the confidence living thru this experience has given me.  I am (finally) learning and preparing in current times for those future challenges that I know are on the horizon even when I can't see them today.  Yet another Covid "Thank you"

So how do I draw the line back to " I like me" after all that?  Well, after six months of hanging out with only me day in and day F'Ning out I had two basic choices. Love me, or hate me.  Turns out I like me afterall.  I really do.  And thats a solid ass start to truly loving myself because I'm a "great things are built on a solid foundation" kinda chick. And almost all life long love starts with like. 

Tootles :)~



1 comment:

  1. Beautifully done. Thank you for getting back to you and sharing your experience
