Monday, January 28, 2013

Is That Destiny Calling or Just Another Telemarketer?

Greetings and Salutations--
     I know I know-- I am supposed to be blogging about finances but I just gotta tell you that--I don't wanna-- and I ain't gonna  :)  As usual my brain is off in the clouds.. Thinking about other things less productive I would imagine my critics would say but hey-- this is cyber land and my volume is on mute so I can't hear any complaints anyway :)
     Destiny-- Does everyone feel that they have one?  Do I feel restless and searching for my destiny because I am lacking a family and/or something that would otherwise adequately distract me? Why did it hit me at 42 that I even want to search for it anyway? I wasn't so interested 5 years ago-- But I can tell you one damn thing-- I'm interested in it now.
      Do you feel that your life right this minute is where it is because its just how it ended up or it was more of your choosing? Do you believe that if you put it out in the universe that things will come to you? I went out to my local watering hole on Friday to have a few beers and dinner (happy hour to keep within my budget of course) and had no anticipation I would talk to a soul.. I looked like straight up ass but I brought my entertainment for the venture with me-- my IPOD and a book (Warren Buffett Speaks).. Yes, I am the dork on any given night, weekend or not, reading a book in a bar..
     To make a long story short-- I met this "older" gentleman (a few hours after I was there) who through the process of our conversation said that maybe the reason I haven't meet anyone for a relationship is that he isn't here (not as in the bar but "here").. That I feel unfulfilled professionally because I have yet to fully realize my destiny and when I do that all the rest of it will fall into place (including "Him").. He may have a point.. Maybe my destiny is somewhere else other than where I am geographically--maybe not.. It made me realize something.. Some people, for example, are waiting for the "other shoe to drop" when they think something bad is going to happen.. I have felt that before in my life many times.. But I have been doing something much different.. I have been waiting, for the past several months, for lightening to strike.. Its like the Field of Dreams moment "if you build it, they will come".. I haven't really thought about it in terms like that before..
      Why do I feel this way all the sudden at this point in my life? Is this normal? I am just getting older and my focus on life is shifting? I am coo-coo for cocoa puffs? (Most likely this is the simple answer..LOL) Does anyone out there reading this feel this way? Is this a by-product of the shift in my thinking and all the things I am reading about that make me feel so different about the world around me? I want to make a difference in the world in a way I never have before..
      For instance--This is part of the pathway that has lead me to blog.. How cathartic to write out your thoughts and be blessed by having multiple other people read them??.. To get an email from someone saying "hey--what you said in your blog really touched a note in me and got me to thinking".. I never thought I would be interested in writing.. I gotta tell you-- I really love it.. I enjoy telling a story that makes a connection straight to the heart of the person that is reading it.. I want to make you stop and think how any of what I may say, or have done, or thoughts I talk about make you take a second look at your own life and change your path.. Make you research, read, think about it, or make you take a stand about how you feel or even didn't know you felt.. I want the story to be so good and real you forget you are expanding your mind and learning as you take it in..
     I can't wait to see where all of this is going to take me.. It is almost as if figuring out my mission in life is burning a proverbial hole in my pocket (brain).. Most nights I fall asleep thinking about all the things I want to accomplish and the shear anticipation of it all.. I fall asleep in mid thought.. The direction I want to steer my life in.. It is all a work in progress and for that I am thankful and not impatient.. I have to frequently remind myself that the journey is the destination sometimes or maybe better stated at times..
     For me being Heather-- I am super impatient and want it all day before yesterday.. I am glad the universe has its own idea of how fast things should go and isn't as impetuous as I am-- oh yeah-- that dude in the bar went on to tell me that he never really comes in to that particular bar and that he has no doubts that his destiny was to be there-- at that time-- at that moment to remind me that I have a destiny and that I need to figure out how to fulfill it.. Had I known I was going to meet an Oracle I would have at least put on lipstick and fixed my hair

Tootles :)


  1. I say Coo Coo for Coco Puffs. Not sure what my destiny is, but I have put forth more energy into things that make me happy. To me, that creates a passion that shows in my work. I try to stay focused and not get distracted by.......oh look, a squirrel! Go forth and CREATE your destiny!

  2. I know-- I could medicated but life is better with a clear head..LOL...I could not agree more with you!!--just watch those squirrels and butterflies :)
