Monday, January 7, 2013

Part One Of The Basics-- New Year-- Fresh Financial Start

Greetings and Salutations-
  Hope your holidays went wonderfully and you are ready to embrace the New Year with vigor and determination..  I am currently reading an (old) book by Anthony (Tony) Robbins-- dear Lord the thoughts and ideas to blog on about that abound-- but that is for the next blog-- I think this year for now I will alternate financial stuff with the counter balance being the introspective thoughts and ideas every other week..unless I get moody--which is often :)  Please know that I am always up for any suggestions and topics that you would like for me to research and/or discuss--'s me :)
  So in part one of financial basics I will of course cover some of my previous blogs and hope that I don't loose any readership but repetition is the path to changing behavior so here we go--
  I would encourage you to to take this opportunity of a new year and fresh approach to what and where you put your money.. I am going to take the idea that finances in general make you dizzy and want to puke so I will break it down for you--  One day I promise if I can't get you as charged about it as I do-- you will atleast have a calmer digestive system :)
  Get what ever writing method you chose and jot down 5 top bills that you need to plan for ahead of time and a few basic financial overall goals you want to achieve.. Categories-- Lets start with something that we know is coming at the end of this year-- Christmas.. How much would you need to either really make a dent or cover your gift giving? Divide it by 12 and start to put it into an account that you can't touch.. Make it something simple.. I saved $30 and while I ended up being off by $130 ( I added a few people I wasn't planning on when I was figuring the amount--otherwise I would have been off less than $79 bucks) I have decided to adjust it to $50 a month.. That means I am willing to cut something need be to achieve this goal on a monthly basis.. I have already put my first savings payment in my account.. So that is category #1. (#4 for my list).. Think of a few more categories that you could put the money away for each month so when they come due you will have the money and get started..(ie pest control, professional licenses, taxes if you don't escrow, etc) I have a category that at this moment I have no idea how I will fund it-- but I need a Santa Fund for myself-- :)  I'll figure that one out as the year progresses but this year I saw a real need for me to set aside some money for me to spend on myself and it will be a priority as the year plays itself out.. What is your category for you that you could apply this line of thinking to?
  As you start your year remember that reading will reinforce real, lasting change and that you have to stay with it until you get it.. Read your financial goals and read them often..  As I always say-- start small and work on it slowly but surely.. Everyday let your mind help you migrate towards the changes you are interested in making.. When it happens to you for the first time-- when you find yourself drifting towards a goal you have made without knowing how you will achieve it you will not be able to stop smiling..
  Start this month monitoring your spending habits without changing them.. Know where your money is going.. Track it while keeping in mind what your categories will be or are.. Maybe 5 categories is too much.. Then pick one.. Stick with just that one every month. Keep thinking about the others.. Be aware of how your emotional feelings are to money--what it means to you on a visceral level.. Start to write it down.. Start to think about challenging yourself to these beliefs.. Are they real? Perceived? Fear? Try to challenge a few and see what happens.. Tell a close friend what you are doing and have a buddy that will support your efforts without judging you.. Someone that will be there for you to hold yourself accountable to.. It makes a difference to share it with someone.. It makes it real.. Make it fun..
   I obviously suggest any one of the books that I have listed.. I have read them all myself from cover to cover.. I feel they are all awesome.. Should you want any direction of which one to start with--please email me.. I would love to help you in any way I can.. Please be interactive with me.. I really want to hear from you.. Thats me :)
  So this is the basics of the basics-- Start to track you money this month, write down 5 categories to save for spending in the future, and a few finaicial goals.. Pick one category if 5 is too much and let the financial education commence-- Together we can achieve anything!! This is just the beginning

Tootles  :)

1 comment:

  1. Repetition is key, preach on sister.....make me be good and save for Christmas!
