Monday, October 29, 2012 one?

Greetings and Salutations-
  A few days ago I was reading an article on Yahoo that was talking about finances.. This viewpoint was not to think about a goal in concrete terms but instead to picture how it will feel once you reach it..  I have to say that while I can understand where that frame of thinking comes from I believe a goal is better to be as specific as possible.. Thinking about how you will "feel" when you have achieved your goal(s) seems a bit like a fantasy if you ask me...and trust me--I have better things to fantasize about ;) When you save with a clearly defined goal in mind for most it gives you an objective way to measure your success (or lack there of) when you attain it.. I do believe that no matter what way you chose to go at your goal--just do it (sorry Nike).
  What are your goals? Have you ever officially ever set one? Have you ever achieved it in a timely manner? Make a goal simple, concise, and measurable.. It should be something like "by 12-31-12 I will have $300 in my emergency fund" or "I will spend 20 minutes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week taking a walk or run the week of 10-29-12" and and put it in a place that you view everyday.. As you read it and re-read it- you will start to make subtle choices in your habits that will help get you attain your goal.. Start out with a few to get going.. Chose a number you can live with.. Maybe that number is one.. Maybe it is five.. Pick a few things that mean something to you and go for it.. It can be financial or personal.. I have a goal board in my kitchen.. I can tell you that I burned it up for the first 4-5 months of the year.. I have slacked off with that and my success for goal setting has taken a nose dive.. Why? Because I am not taking the time to write out my goals in black and white and read them day after day.. Thinking about them in my head is not the same as writing them out.. I must get back to this so that I can get the machine of accomplishments going once again.
  In a great book I am currently reading--"Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell it describes a behavior that I have been participating in that until now I had no idea what it was called.. Priming.. When I put words or phrases up on my 12x12 square of cork in my bathroom to read everyday of positive statements-- that's priming. When you have goals on a goal board or central location to read over and over again-- that's priming.. You can prime for good thoughts or bad thoughts.. All of the books that I have been reading that prescribe to this behavior have not used this phrase "priming" to describe this action.. Now I understand why it can be so successful with changing behavior.
  Most of us have an internal dialogue which is quite self deprecating.. With diligent effort this dialogue can be re-written and all that was once negative can be positive.. Imagine what your life could be if you really believed that with patience, due diligence, persistence, and a positive belief system that any and all things are  possible.. There is a common denominator I see and read about with people who "get it" about life--a commonality that they all share--clear and purposeful goal setting.. Most didn't know how they were going to get there--they saw the vision of their life as they knew it to be long before it was evident on the outside for the world to see.. What are your goals?

Tootles  :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Persistence is one of many keys to success

Greetings and Salutations--
  Good evening to you. Hope this Monday finds you well. I have been thinking a lot about persistence and how much it takes to have the kind of life that I think most of us want to have but for one reason or another don't. This is a basic factor that keeps me doggedly at my quest to shape my life into what I see in my minds eye. Persistence is one of the foundations to achievement. This is a basic truth in any subject of your life; financial, personal, and professional.
  Lets talk about financial--as you are trying to reshape your spending habits and save-concentrate on your successes not your shortcomings ...see every opportunity to make better choices with your money as just that--endless chances to get it right. A poor choice today should not automatically mean to give up or in and continue to make more poor choices. The best way to stop digging a hole is to put down the flipping shovel...basic right? yet most all of us just keep digging the proverbial hole and then say "how the hell did I get here?" When the next spending opportunity occurs, think before you decide, if you don't get it right this time--aim for getting it right next time.
   I think often we all suffer from the "all or nothing" disease. It has plagued me my entire life. It is as if I haven't seen any real value in stopping something that isn't working for me even though I know I need to stop but why? Is it human nature? I think mostly yes. I think we have a real need to be able to predict our environment so much so that despite what we intellectually know to be counterproductive--we persist with that behavior because we are familiar with the outcome. Fear of that unknown is the foundation as to why it is so difficult to learn new behaviors and ideas. Most of what we do in life is done while our brains are "asleep at the wheel". How we spend, what we spend it on, the amount we spend and we do it over and over again. This is why I am a firm believer that as you start to master your finances your mind will be ripe for opening the door to the rest of your life before you even realize it. Its intuitive to want more. More out of life. Take responsibility for who and what are you.
  Personal- take an inventory of your life. Are you doing what you want? Are you living to your fullest potential? Are you fulfilling your destiny as you know you can and want to? Are you sharing your life with the person that brings out the best in you more often than the worst? most importantly and the one that will kick you in the kisser every time--WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT? what are your action steps to give yourself the life you want? It isn't going happen by spontaneous combustion. This is where it can get really sticky. This is where the real hard work is waiting for you. Should there be things in your life that you don't like or want- change it. It shouldn't be over night.It is going to take lots of real truths about yourself. Its hard and its raw. But most importantly its REAL.
  When you go at life with the passion to be the best person you were put on this planet to be you begin to see the world in a different light. Which brings persistence back to mind. No matter how small the change- decide what about you that you want to change and DO NOT stop until you achieve your goal. "failures" are what let you know that you are getting closer to success because you are trying. Learn what doesn't work and you will be all the smarter with the next attempt.
  I would like to share one of my recent "ah-ha" moments. (other than the great song "take on me" So I have been fairly new at this "Monday through Friday" grind. My entire professional career I have worked on/off with no rhythm. Finally after trying and trying I have figured this out about my Mondays- No running, no getting up early and no structure. No real plans except to come home and blog. That is it. It is now my official "get started gently" day and I am stoked about that. Instead of setting myself up for failure with unrealistic expectations, I've instead given myself permission to "ease" into the work week and you know what? It has been the best start to a great work week in quite some time-- I think I am on to something. Wishing you the best in your week

Heather :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Random Ideas and Various Thoughts

Greetings and Salutations--
  Well it may be due to needing some inspiration myself but I think it is time to switch from all this financial talk and do some solving of the worlds problems--jk. I want to think about life in general and how it impacts each of us and how much it can change us. I was talking with a friend of mine the other day and she said she never reads self help books. My first thought was thinking that is a real shame because of how much you can miss out on by not reading any of those type books. Introspection is a wonderful tool that can open up your world. This got me to thinking about how I have viewed self help books in the past and how my perspective has changed since I started the journey I am on now.
  One day I hope to change the section in Barnes and Noble from "self help" to "self achievement" because that is really what I really think it is all about. Changing your reality is hard enough as it is but in a world full of "Debbie Doubters" and negative talk it seems almost impossible to make any real life changes. Most days I feel truly like I could leap a skyscraper in a single bound to be followed up with lots of "why am I even trying any of this- it won't change" or "this is a nice path to pursue but I'll soon go back to my old ways- at least it was entertaining for awhile" or "I'll never have the real success I truly want". Have you ever had thoughts like this?
  I have been thinking a lot about this ever since I picked up the book "The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield and other like-minded books since then. After having read the book and applying many of its principles about life (which we all already know most of them)--I feel it basically boils down to how difficult it is to change your reality and make it stick. I think this is where it is born of the cliche that one day you're the bug and another your the windshield. Most of these books don't really promise you a perfect life (as some people might think)- they just remind you or give you the tools of how to be more successful at what ever you chose and more importantly get you to a place that when the poo-poo hits the fan you are more prepared to handle it. Your change is in your attitude. About any and all things. Negative breeds negative. Positive breeds positive and keeps you in a place where you are better equipped to handle it when life takes the turns that we all know it will.
  One of the things I like the best is that you don't have to know how you will get to where you want- just know where you want to end up and begin. That isn't going to happen while watching TV or without some really hard work and action. This idea is either full of poop or its real but the way I see it- even if its crap I'll be too old to care by the time I figure it out. Besides time is going to pass one way or the other- might as well be entertained while it passes right?
  So what are some of the things that have happened in my life that I can attribute to this way of living I am really trying to learn?--lots but there are few that stick out in my mind in the last 6 months: (1) I negotiated my salary at my job and I had no idea I could really do that in a staff position. (2) I finally called about a stop sign in my neighborhood that really looked awful and needed to be cleaned or replaced. (3) While I was at it I was tired of taking my life into my own hands turning left at an intersection coming into my neighborhood. I called and wrote the letter that was required requesting a protected left turn signal (the green arrow signal separate from the green light) at this intersection. The lady told me she was pretty sure that this assessment had already been done a few years ago and was rejected. I said oh well- maybe things have changed. After one follow up phone call and being informed that they would be conducting the assessment once school started (it was June when I initiated this) as to capture highest volumes (wow- someone in government actually does think)  I just received a letter thanking me for bringing it to their attention and for my concern about highway safety and they would be installing not only a turn signal in the northbound lane but the southbound lane as well!! oh yeah and the stop sign was sparkling clean in less then 10 days :)
  How would I summarize my experience as I try so very hard to change my reality into a life that I really want to have? frustrating, liberating, scary, wonderful, sad, overwhelming, but most of all super empowered and hopeful for what I can change in my world and anyone that I could possible inspire. Never give up. Stop the negative voice in your head and start asking asking asking-- start believing that all things are possible because even if the answer is no it could have been yes and next time it just might be.

Heather :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Is This Thing in Drive or Reverse?

Greetings and Salutations-
  How is every little body doing out there in cyber land? I hope great, reading, and keeping at it like the little engine that could!! I want to point out something that may help anyone that is having problems getting any or all of this going.  Should it over whelm you to think about going backwards and looking at the LAST 2-3 months worth of bank statements-- spend the NEXT 2-3 months keeping track of what and where you spend.  Get the energy moving forward. This was an excellent point brought up to me by someone that I have been "coaching on the side". She has an excellent point and one that I like as an alternative for anyone that can't even get the gear out of park, much less into reverse.
  The other point I want to reiterate is that when this stuff starts to make you swimmy-headed, and for a lot of you I know it will and does, work on it in the smallest amounts of time bites that you can stand to chew. Never underestimate how slow and steady wins the race. Make the goal to read a chapter a week in one of the books. Just no matter what you do keep at it and don't give up. Buy a calendar and mark your paydays and 3 bills on their respective due dates. Just do something. It gets easier--I promise!!
  One of the quotes that I read every day is "Never Never Never give up" by Winston Churchill. You just can't. Stay at it and it will happen. This is a truth no matter what the subject in your life is before you. Persistence will pay off you just have to stay at it until you get there. No matter how long it takes. The truth for most is we say "are we there yet, are we there yet" but we take no concrete steps to achieve our goals. Do it and make every effort count no matter how big or small.
  One of the other categories that I wanted to touch on with your spending plan is the importance of the unexpected expenses. This is just plain out preparing for what you know is going to happen eventually. So maybe I should call this the "expected unexpected" expenses category. Any amount of money you can put aside here saves you that much on the other end.
  I can not begin to express how once you get any portion of this going how it quickly snowballs into money growth, accomplishment, and most of all pride in yourself. When you learn to manage your money with increased skill- it is a building block for so many other things in your life. You start to take responsibility for more and more actions. One of the first steps in managing your money better is to take a real hard but mostly truthful look at yourself and realize that YOU are the only one that can change any aspect of your life. Accountability and honesty with yourself and those in your life is difficult at best to even think about but the key to any real personal growth.
  My goal is to plant the seed of perseverance and confidence it will take to get this thing off the ground for you. I believe in my heart and soul that all things can be conquered. This does not always mean it works out with the current choices you are making. Remember choosing to do nothing is a choice in itself. It doesn't mean it is going to come easy or without a lot of hard work. You have to learn the difference between futility and when its worth the battle. Sometimes backing up and punting really does win the game.

Heather :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Saving to Spend

Greetings and Salutations-
  So now we enter the world of pre-planned spending. I call this my Category Spending/Savings Account. I would recommend no more than 10 categories to plan for at a time. Should you be able to handle more please do--but 10 is about all my head and wallet can handle! Your situation will be different and what you plan to save/spend for will be different. Maybe you should start with one category or two. Makes no difference as you need to start from somewhere-- so close your eyes and pick something!!
   Theses are my categories: (1) Home repair (2) Car Fund (I'm saving ahead of time for a down payment on a car) (3) Deductibles (home owners and my car deductible) (4) Christmas Fund (5) Unexpected Expenses (6) quarterly and yearly bills (ie my car taxes, terminix, costco membership etc) (7) Murphy's Slice (my dog--vet, food etc) (8) Personal Acct (make-up, hair cuts, etc (9) Clothes (10) Car Repair.
  I can tell you the item I see missing off the list immediately--Vacation Fund! This is a very important fund, but for now- I can't justify saving any real money for that until I get some of these accounts fully funded and then can start that kitty. Make these categories your own and change out what you need for you. Maybe you will have categories in waiting like I do. First things first. There are some things I need to get a cushion for that when I have met my goals (even if that is just a really good start in savings) I can "spread the love" so to say.
  For instance-(category 3) once my deductibles account is fully funded with the amounts of (my deductibles) for both my home owners and car I will stop putting money back in this account and move onto the next. My home owners is high so this will take me years to have this goal come to fruition but it will happen. Maybe you rent so all you need to fund is for your car. Cool--save and move on! (category 4) I will have $350 to do my Christmas shopping without sweating where it comes from because I set aside $30 a month through out the year. When I get ready to go shopping for the first time in a LONG time I will not even get my heart rate up about it!! How much will I spend for my gifts? $350 because that is what works for me. What is your number? Don't worry about this year- but pay attention. How much do you want to earmark for next year and start this Jan!!
  Lets talk about one more category in detail this time and save the rest for next time.I don't want you to be overwhelmed by this process. This is one of the most important processes to this entire thing in my humble opinion. With minimal planning and due diligence on your part- you can plan for the future of spending tomorrow today and keep your bee-hind out of trouble. Even if the burden is lifted in only one area of your life. Pick one subject and I don't care if all you save is $5 a month.
  Quarterly bills- add up and pay attention to the bills that you pay irregularly--I keep a running tab and add to it when someone comes up due I forgot about. Like your car taxes. Like pest control. Like professional licenses. Add them all up and divide by 12. This is the amount you need to save for that category so when the bill comes due you will be ready. In some instances this is $2 a month for me. But it all adds up in the end.
  Use any method you choose to keep up with these categories. As by now you can imagine I use a 2 column book with pens in 2 contrasting colors-Blue for the regular stuff and red for when I exceed my goal. You are doing great I am certain of it!! Remember that the small successes lead to big ones and it all counts. Any change in the right direction is something that can snowball into something terrific!! keep at it and don't give up!

Tootles :)