Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Follow Me on Facebook

Greetings and Salutations--
     Hey--Just wanted to let you know I am also on Facebook where it is a bit easier to comment, follow, and connect with others all headed down the same productive pathway. Like it and pass it on if you dig it!!

Tootles :)


Monday, January 28, 2013

Is That Destiny Calling or Just Another Telemarketer?

Greetings and Salutations--
     I know I know-- I am supposed to be blogging about finances but I just gotta tell you that--I don't wanna-- and I ain't gonna  :)  As usual my brain is off in the clouds.. Thinking about other things less productive I would imagine my critics would say but hey-- this is cyber land and my volume is on mute so I can't hear any complaints anyway :)
     Destiny-- Does everyone feel that they have one?  Do I feel restless and searching for my destiny because I am lacking a family and/or something that would otherwise adequately distract me? Why did it hit me at 42 that I even want to search for it anyway? I wasn't so interested 5 years ago-- But I can tell you one damn thing-- I'm interested in it now.
      Do you feel that your life right this minute is where it is because its just how it ended up or it was more of your choosing? Do you believe that if you put it out in the universe that things will come to you? I went out to my local watering hole on Friday to have a few beers and dinner (happy hour to keep within my budget of course) and had no anticipation I would talk to a soul.. I looked like straight up ass but I brought my entertainment for the venture with me-- my IPOD and a book (Warren Buffett Speaks).. Yes, I am the dork on any given night, weekend or not, reading a book in a bar..
     To make a long story short-- I met this "older" gentleman (a few hours after I was there) who through the process of our conversation said that maybe the reason I haven't meet anyone for a relationship is that he isn't here (not as in the bar but "here").. That I feel unfulfilled professionally because I have yet to fully realize my destiny and when I do that all the rest of it will fall into place (including "Him").. He may have a point.. Maybe my destiny is somewhere else other than where I am geographically--maybe not.. It made me realize something.. Some people, for example, are waiting for the "other shoe to drop" when they think something bad is going to happen.. I have felt that before in my life many times.. But I have been doing something much different.. I have been waiting, for the past several months, for lightening to strike.. Its like the Field of Dreams moment "if you build it, they will come".. I haven't really thought about it in terms like that before..
      Why do I feel this way all the sudden at this point in my life? Is this normal? I am just getting older and my focus on life is shifting? I am coo-coo for cocoa puffs? (Most likely this is the simple answer..LOL) Does anyone out there reading this feel this way? Is this a by-product of the shift in my thinking and all the things I am reading about that make me feel so different about the world around me? I want to make a difference in the world in a way I never have before..
      For instance--This is part of the pathway that has lead me to blog.. How cathartic to write out your thoughts and be blessed by having multiple other people read them??.. To get an email from someone saying "hey--what you said in your blog really touched a note in me and got me to thinking".. I never thought I would be interested in writing.. I gotta tell you-- I really love it.. I enjoy telling a story that makes a connection straight to the heart of the person that is reading it.. I want to make you stop and think how any of what I may say, or have done, or thoughts I talk about make you take a second look at your own life and change your path.. Make you research, read, think about it, or make you take a stand about how you feel or even didn't know you felt.. I want the story to be so good and real you forget you are expanding your mind and learning as you take it in..
     I can't wait to see where all of this is going to take me.. It is almost as if figuring out my mission in life is burning a proverbial hole in my pocket (brain).. Most nights I fall asleep thinking about all the things I want to accomplish and the shear anticipation of it all.. I fall asleep in mid thought.. The direction I want to steer my life in.. It is all a work in progress and for that I am thankful and not impatient.. I have to frequently remind myself that the journey is the destination sometimes or maybe better stated at times..
     For me being Heather-- I am super impatient and want it all day before yesterday.. I am glad the universe has its own idea of how fast things should go and isn't as impetuous as I am-- oh yeah-- that dude in the bar went on to tell me that he never really comes in to that particular bar and that he has no doubts that his destiny was to be there-- at that time-- at that moment to remind me that I have a destiny and that I need to figure out how to fulfill it.. Had I known I was going to meet an Oracle I would have at least put on lipstick and fixed my hair

Tootles :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Better Make It a Good Knot When You Tie It

Greetings and Salutations--
     Well--remember when I mentioned that I sometimes get moody? well-- I think I have a case of the droopy drawers and while I plan on it to be only a temporary impediment-- I have the grump-a-lumps so I will roll with it :)
     Where are we with the solutions to the world's problems?  I know-- How to keep inspiration when you feel down or blue.. Honestly I wish that I had the clear cut answer to that.. All I can lean back on is the flat out refusal to give up and know that there are some days that you are just going to feel like the world is against you or just plain out sad.. In times like these I always think of a poster that was on the wall of a guidance counselor's office in the 7th grade-- There was a picture of a monkey hanging on a length of rope with the caption reading:  "When you get to the end of your rope tie a knot and hang on".. I knew immediately that was something worth remembering and that one day it would give me solace.. Over the years I have pictured that poster almost subconsciously when I feel like giving up or in and it has helped me to hang on until the storm passed..
      These days when I feel sad or depressed I just keep reading, keep a stiff upper lip, and work even harder at my effort in shaping my life.. I know tomorrow is a new start and that I will see what ever is troubling me through and to the other side where I feel happy no matter how long it takes.. Conditioning your mind takes alot of hard work and there are dips and peaks along the way.. I guess that is all part of the journey and I want to appreciate it all for what it is.. Experiencing the wonderful times and learning how to take the lumps with more stride and knowledge to know that truly this too shall pass and happy days are going to come back again..
     This is not the forum that I care to delve into how I feel about my job but suffice to say that overall I have not completely found my niche overall professionally.. I am super grateful I have a job--don't get me wrong.. I am speaking of job fulfillment and I currently lack being well rounded at that arena.. Maybe in today's economy I am not supposed to dream of a job that I really love and feel fulfilled in.. Maybe those are thoughts of days gone by but I refuse to believe that..
     I have twenty three years or so of work ahead of me (oh good Lord help me) and I have to have believe in something that will be fulfilling.. The idea of going through the motions of a job for the next few decades makes my severely swimmy headed and gaseous.. I just read a wonderful book by Malcolm Gladwell and this is what he had to say that I can't get out of my head: "Autonomy, complexity, and a connection between effort and reward are three qualities that work needs to have to be satisfying"-- I gotta say that makes me scratch my head just a bit -- How many people feel totally trapped in their jobs? In their life?
     Maybe that isn't the best way to explain why I am on this path or how I feel about it-- I feel like I have finally woken up and no longer want to wait for life to happen to me or unfold just as it would without touching it.. I want to make life happen to me in the reverse order as in me happen to my life-- not life happen to me.. It is somewhat of a difficult concept to explain..
     It isn't about control. It is about not wanting to sit by and respond to life but to actively participate in MY life.. As in to be stuck in a job you dislike and not be empowered to find one that you love.. As in to be stuck in a relationship you hate and not make your own way out.. As in to be stuck in no relationship without actively seeking a partner and putting yourself out there.. As in anything you can think of that you are in one place in your life but yet wish to be in another-- physically, mentally, and or spiritually.. I no longer wish to sit by and wait for something to change at an unaltered pace.. I want to actively create my life in as many ways as possible..
      I think that is what sometimes overwhelms me--it isn't the temporary sad feelings I may have from time to time.. Its is often I have no idea how I will pull off most of the ideas that constantly bounce around in my noggin-- when I stop and think "how the hell am I gonna pull this off?"  A year ago I would have already given up.. Now I have learned (and still learning) better skills at quieting my mind of dis-empowering thoughts and turn up the volume of all the empowering ones.. Most days this works-- some days it does not..      
     What do you do when you get blue? What do you do when you get negative? Do you see life over all as good or bad? Do you think it will get better or do you know it will get better? How much in your life do you feel you have control over? Have you ever tried to make waves in your own life first before life can do it for you?  Do you tie a knot and hang on or simply keep slipping further and further down the rope?

Tootles :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rejection Is All About How You View It

Greetings and Salutations--
  Sorry about Monday coming on Tuesday but I was wacked on Benadryl and Lord only knows what I would have blogged about jacked up on that :)
  So recently I went out on yet another date (I'm getting closer) and this one was nice enough to be upfront with me and let me know he thought we would be better well suited as friends.. Now I gotta tell you there are all but a few ways to take someone telling you that information.. Either to heart and on your sleeve or like a woman.. I am a truth seeker and would much rather someone tell me outright that they just don't get me "that way".. I thought about that as I read the email he sent me a few days after a date that we had that lasted 7 hours.. Sure seemed like he had fun.. I mean for crying out loud (waahh) who the hell stays on a date that long and isn't enjoying it?? ( I don't own a gun if that is even what you are thinking LOL)  The long and short of it is although he had a great time (which he said in person and the email) he just didn't see me as a romantic interest..
  I only had to think for a few minutes as to how I was going to respond to his email.. This is what I said--that I had a great time too and that I am grateful that he is honest enough to tell me how he feels.. That I wish him the best in his search for someone special, his business, and in life.. That I appreciated some wonderful advise he gave me about a project I am working on (those who know me know I am always working on something..LOL) and the PS was-- although I wasn't thinking that I did anything wrong, I didn't want to walk away from this experience without asking for feedback/constructive criticism if there was something I could have done differently or improve upon..
  SO two really cool things have happened to me-- #1-- In my heart, even though he "rejected me" I didn't really feel rejected or that I had done anything wrong.. I just felt it wasn't a match and nothing more.. I didn't feel the typical reaction of wondering what was "wrong with me" as is so typical when you get turned down.. I didn't see the moon and stars with him either but that was neither here nor there-- don't we all deep down inside like it better mentally when WE do the rejecting instead of THEM? I just knew it wasn't a click for him (or me).. Sweet-- he was honest--what a pleasurable bonus for me..
  #2 and most important in my mind-- I ASKED FOR FEEDBACK--what a simple thing that I would never understood to be so powerful if I hadn't recently learned to start asking.. It scary the first few times you do it.. Most people don't even know how to respond-- who the hell ever asks for social feedback? His response was there was nothing I did wrong (which wasn't my question) and to stay exactly the way I am and that I would meet someone special real soon.. Damn-- I gotta tell you that last line read to me like a fortune cookie.. LOL
  So where does this leave you and I??  It leaves me wondering how do you take rejection in life?? Does it defeat or make you more determined?? Do you learn from it?? Do you think before you make a decision of how you will respond?? Have you ever stopped long enough to even think about it??
  Asking for feedback in the wake of rejection or a setback no matter what the setting is a very powerful thing and can help to project you further along the path of self awareness that you may choose to seek.. Its active participation in life and helps you shape the twists and turns of the path of your existence.. Next time you get rejected-- no matter what the circumstances-- an interview for a job, a date, a project you are working on, what ever-- ask yourself what can you learn from this?? How can changing your behavior/what you learned point you in a better direction?? Is there something that you could or would do better next time when you face the same situation and master it better?? Sometimes the answer is nothing-- it just isn't meant to be or not the right thing to happen in your life.. But just think how better off you will be knowing that you evaluated the situation, made necessary corrections if applicable, and asked for input from someone else's perspective about yourself

Tootles  :)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sick Day-- Sorry

Hey--I am out sick today :(  but will blog tomorrow for sure!! Please check back in again then!!


Monday, January 7, 2013

Part One Of The Basics-- New Year-- Fresh Financial Start

Greetings and Salutations-
  Hope your holidays went wonderfully and you are ready to embrace the New Year with vigor and determination..  I am currently reading an (old) book by Anthony (Tony) Robbins-- dear Lord the thoughts and ideas to blog on about that abound-- but that is for the next blog-- I think this year for now I will alternate financial stuff with the counter balance being the introspective thoughts and ideas every other week..unless I get moody--which is often :)  Please know that I am always up for any suggestions and topics that you would like for me to research and/or discuss-- Helpfulbee@gmail.com--that's me :)
  So in part one of financial basics I will of course cover some of my previous blogs and hope that I don't loose any readership but repetition is the path to changing behavior so here we go--
  I would encourage you to to take this opportunity of a new year and fresh approach to what and where you put your money.. I am going to take the idea that finances in general make you dizzy and want to puke so I will break it down for you--  One day I promise if I can't get you as charged about it as I do-- you will atleast have a calmer digestive system :)
  Get what ever writing method you chose and jot down 5 top bills that you need to plan for ahead of time and a few basic financial overall goals you want to achieve.. Categories-- Lets start with something that we know is coming at the end of this year-- Christmas.. How much would you need to either really make a dent or cover your gift giving? Divide it by 12 and start to put it into an account that you can't touch.. Make it something simple.. I saved $30 and while I ended up being off by $130 ( I added a few people I wasn't planning on when I was figuring the amount--otherwise I would have been off less than $79 bucks) I have decided to adjust it to $50 a month.. That means I am willing to cut something need be to achieve this goal on a monthly basis.. I have already put my first savings payment in my account.. So that is category #1. (#4 for my list).. Think of a few more categories that you could put the money away for each month so when they come due you will have the money and get started..(ie pest control, professional licenses, taxes if you don't escrow, etc) I have a category that at this moment I have no idea how I will fund it-- but I need a Santa Fund for myself-- :)  I'll figure that one out as the year progresses but this year I saw a real need for me to set aside some money for me to spend on myself and it will be a priority as the year plays itself out.. What is your category for you that you could apply this line of thinking to?
  As you start your year remember that reading will reinforce real, lasting change and that you have to stay with it until you get it.. Read your financial goals and read them often..  As I always say-- start small and work on it slowly but surely.. Everyday let your mind help you migrate towards the changes you are interested in making.. When it happens to you for the first time-- when you find yourself drifting towards a goal you have made without knowing how you will achieve it you will not be able to stop smiling..
  Start this month monitoring your spending habits without changing them.. Know where your money is going.. Track it while keeping in mind what your categories will be or are.. Maybe 5 categories is too much.. Then pick one.. Stick with just that one every month. Keep thinking about the others.. Be aware of how your emotional feelings are to money--what it means to you on a visceral level.. Start to write it down.. Start to think about challenging yourself to these beliefs.. Are they real? Perceived? Fear? Try to challenge a few and see what happens.. Tell a close friend what you are doing and have a buddy that will support your efforts without judging you.. Someone that will be there for you to hold yourself accountable to.. It makes a difference to share it with someone.. It makes it real.. Make it fun..
   I obviously suggest any one of the books that I have listed.. I have read them all myself from cover to cover.. I feel they are all awesome.. Should you want any direction of which one to start with--please email me.. I would love to help you in any way I can.. Please be interactive with me.. I really want to hear from you..  Helpfulbee@gmail.com-- Thats me :)
  So this is the basics of the basics-- Start to track you money this month, write down 5 categories to save for spending in the future, and a few finaicial goals.. Pick one category if 5 is too much and let the financial education commence-- Together we can achieve anything!! This is just the beginning

Tootles  :)