Monday, December 31, 2012

The First Step's A Loo-Loo...Jump In To 2013!!

Greetings and Salutations--
  Well-- this is it-- last day of the year.. I can't believe that this year is over.. By far and large this is the fastest year of my life.. So much has happened and I am filled to the brim with hope and passion that 2013 will be the first year of the best years of my life.. This is my sincere wish for you as well..
  When I was a kid growing up I would usually be at my grandmother's house watching the ball drop on TV in NYC and cut up newspaper for confetti to throw at midnight.. As I grew older I would spend the final hours of the eve frantically writing out my resolutions (usually about 20) thinking that it was bad luck to not have them all written down and committed to memory before midnight.. As I wrote out the list, deep inside I knew as much as I truly wanted everything I had listed to come true-- I had no real skill how to pull off lasting change.. Starting to teach myself the skills of long lasting life changes is what this past year has been about for me..
  This past year has taught me so much.. I have learned that real, sustainable change is slow and steady with lots of missteps and bobbles-- Set back and failures-- Short comings and disappointments..  I have learned that real, sustainable change is sweet and wonderful--happy and soulful--given me a new sense of tenacity and consistency is a bitch you love to hate (LOL).. I have also learned that life is truly what you make of it and you can either see the good or the bad.. Its that simple.. The saying make lemonade of lemons takes on a sharper meaning.. I have heard this saying my whole life.. I always saw the lemonade out of lemons.. I never really concentrated on the MAKE part.. The action part of that cliche is so subtle it is almost hard to concentrate on.. It doesn't say LET lemons make lemonade.. It doesn't say lemons WILL MAKE lemonade.. I recently read an article in Yoga Journal that a guy framed a placard with the word "YES" on it and placed it in his home where he would see it everyday to remind him to say "YES" as much as possible in his life.. How cool is that??  The human condition is truly remarkable to me.. How we can all see the exact same thing (or hear it) yet walk away with different interpretations??  Amazing.. Its is a fundamental belief to me that if you believe that all things are possible and say yes every chance you get-- your life can change in dazzling ways..
  What do you want out of life??  Are you where you want to be??  Do you believe no is the answer to most questions in life than yes?? Do you ask questions? Are you curious about life?? Do you give people the change to amaze you?? Is your heart open?? Is your mind open?? How do you deal with disappointment?? Do you have malice in your heart?? Have you given up?? Are you numb to everything??  Are you scared??
  I want to challenge you in 2013 to START the journey to make your life into that you want it to really be.. I don't assume that you are miserable.. I just take the idea that most all of us can benefit from some deep personal inventory.. Maybe all you need to do is some light house keeping in your mind and soul.. Most all of us need more than that though.. If you have all of your poop in a group then maybe you know someone you can inspire or help make them more self aware..
  Make a list of a few choice (3-5) things that you want to see change in your life.. Take your time (say like before the end of January 2013) .. Its OK if it stings a little--then you know its real.. Choose at least one thing that you have no earthly idea how you will pull off.. Then think about it.. Lament about it.. Read it over and over and see what starts to happen.. Read a book about it.. Talk to someone who is or has done what you want to do.. Don't worry about how you are going to do it.. Just start somewhere--anywhere.. Start slow.. Real change comes about slowly and with initial failure.. Sometimes lots of it.. Just do this-- commit to start somewhere and commit to not quitting no matter how many times it takes you to get it right.. No matter how long it takes.. Just keep at it every day.. I promise if you just start and figure it out as you go amazing things will happen along the way.. It will all come together in ways you can't imagine or figure out sitting on the couch or with a life full of in-action.. Whats on your list?? Please write and tell me..
  Best of wishes to you and your families and may we all have a blessed and wonderful New Year-- Don't accept anything less

Tootles  :)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Greetings and Salutations--
  Merry Christmas and hope everyone has a wonderful two days!! Simple thoughts as we are all spending time with family and loved ones.. I hope you are all feeling blessed and grateful for all that you have, and in the days and months to come super charged about what life has in store for you if you do the work to achieve it.. The other day I read what I really think is a profound thought in a really simple book by Jon Gordon called "The Shark And The Goldfish"--this is a very simplistic book but has a wonderful message--this is the passage I want to share-- "What fear and faith have in common is a future that hasn't happened yet. Fear believes in a negative future.. Faith believes in a positive future.. Interestingly enough, both believe in something that hasn't happened yet."  This points to a blog I have done in the past.. And this is where I believe that faith doesn't have to have a religious meaning or overtone (but of course can should you chose)..  The positive (faith) outcome is just as likely to happen as something bad or terrible (fear).. So why not choose the positive over the negative?
  This time of year is an easy measure to reflect on your past year and start fresh.. This is what I will speak of in the final blog of 2012 and eagerly look towards what 2013 has in store for each of us.. I want to take the time to thank each and everyone of you for reading my blog.. What a wonderful thing to have such support from friends.. I am grateful for anyone that takes the time to read my thoughts and ideas.. I look forward to a new year of blogging.. I am humbled at any thoughts that I could share with you that could stimulate or inspire you to get all you can out of your life and relationships.. I feel soo blessed with the direction of my life and look forward to the work that is still ahead of me to continue to strive for the life that I chose to live.
  My thoughts and prayers go out to all that have suffered the loss of loved ones this year.. May God bless you and your family this holiday season and keep us all safe..

Tootles :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

You Gotta Play In Order To Win .....Right?

Greetings and Salutations
  How is everyone? I sure hope well.. So I hope that most can indulge me on this most "single" of blogs that I have consciously done.. Usually I try and keep in mind to account for not only single people but couples as well.. I'm just needing to vent and put personal thoughts to "paper".. This installment is indeed directed at couples.. Just the left handed approach... Something that one day soon I hope to be a part of..
  So there seems to be two very distinct trains of thought when it comes to trying to meet someone meaningful in your life.. You are either of the thinking that you should do nothing and put aside what you specifically want out of life in the romance department and subscribe to the "when you least expect it-- it will happen".. The other side of the stadium is rooting for the "go forth and put yourself out there--Mr Right isn't going to knock on your door for God sake" and this takes the form of friends/family setting you up and/or on-line dating. Which is right?  I am most certainly not sure and torn within my own head where my vote would be cast..
  On the first hand-- I feel that maybe being single, finding "Mr Right", and subscribing to the "when you least expect it" routine is similar to being an alcoholic and Alcoholics Anonymous (not to make light of alcoholics or AA--just a light parallel).. So many books I have read that detail addiction and recovery end up with the same message.. At first they all reject AA--only in the end to finally agree that AA is the only model that works and if they had only realized it in the beginning that it would have saved a lot of time and bullshit-- is this "letting go" approach equivalent to the AA of dating?
  Then there is something more aligned with all the stuff I have been reading for about the last 8 months or so--put it out in the Universe and the Universe will respond or "conspire" to make it happen-- Take action steps to make it happen and it will.. How am I supposed to just sit here and "let it happen?" How am I suppose to learn all I have just to buy the "when you least expect it" routine? Does any one every think about this but me?
  There are sooo many single people in the world--all wishing they could hurry up and become miserable like most of the married people I know.. But does marriage always have to equal mostly misery and no sex?  My sincere belief is --no.. Life isn't perfect and perfection is not what I am aiming for.. I am aiming that more often not I am happy.. More often than not the person I am with enhances my life and enriches it more than my life could ever be without him and I do the same for him.. Pixie Dust Days that number more than one and less than 365 in a year..
  Why can't we have the best of both worlds--be unrealistically realistic? Why can't most couples move in the same direction in life and love each other more and more each day? Why can't we grow in the same direction vs growing apart? I want to make it all count..
  I know in my pain when I get low or sad that great things are just around the corner for me or anyone that feels as much as I do.. You can't give up.. I feel in my heart I am making my life better to have room for the man I am headed towards every day of my life.. I know there is a plan and for as impatient as my moments can be-- I don't want to rush things along.. I still have some refining to do with and about myself.. I still have lots to grow and improve upon.. Should you be single--what do you want? What do you search for? Do you pretend to not want it? Do you lay in your bed at night and dream of your other half? How are you going to get it?  Should you be married-- are you happy? How do you stay that way? What are the little things that work and make a difference? If you are not happy how can you get that way? Where did you lose it? Did you ever have it from the start? Was it a purposeful union or one of convenience?
  Someone recently told me that my adventures into online dating and putting myself out there has inspired them to "get off the bench" and get out there.. That I should look at my failures as building inner strength and knowledge.. That with ever failure I am that much closer to success.. This is what I am banking on-- How about you? What fills your thoughts when you think of someone out there for you? What side of the fence are you on? Sit on the bench and wait for something to happen or get out there and do everything you can to help destiny along? The jury is still out for me......

Tootles :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Rocks In Your Pathway

Greetings and Salutations
  Hope everyone's holiday season is going along smoothly and with little stress.. Its the season for all things good and stress isn't on the list--
  So Sunday I participated in the closing of King Street for 2nd Sunday of the month-- I need to learn more about it ( my understanding is that the city does this each month for the entire spring/summer.. I am ashamed to say I have never participated in this event but that is a dated way to express my thoughts/feelings--here is what I really meant to say-- I attended my first Second Sunday on King Street and it was AWESOME!! How wonderful with all the people out in the street, music, businesses with doors open and all the tables on the street open for lunch and dinner..It was truly a wonderful experience and I can't wait to do that again!!
  I also discovered Washington Park.. beautiful and so peaceful! I have also discovered Hampton Park (recently).. I have always known I live in a wonderful city but never seen it for what it truly is.. In my travels it has been easier to appreciate strange cities and explore them then my own-- after all it has just been "home".. Sunday was a Pixie Dust Day and I felt transported to another world.. I felt like I was on vacation..
  Some where in my travels I have heard that in the Zoo they will sometimes put a rock in the path of some animals such as tigers to keep them from traveling the same way repeatedly day in and day out.. This pattern can make them profoundly stressed, sick, and depressed.. My understanding is even the small act of changing its course to go around the rock is enough to have a positive impact on the animals over all health and well being.. Sunday King Street was my rock.. I had a million other things to do but decided it was time to stop being a task master and change my path.. It was a small decision that has inspired me to really become aware of my habits and how to not just get out of a rut but refuse to live in one..
  My first plan is to start off by connecting with my city and be aware of events going on around town.. Take a book to the park on the weekends and enjoy everything I can every moment I can.. I have not spent my weekends (lately) judiciously and this must change.. I am watching a lot less TV and listening more to my music.. I want so much out of life.. I feel like each day and with each new experience I am becoming more and more alive.. I realize how much of my life I have spent passive and that my life has been my job.. About the party.. About letting life happen without active participation.. About being passive.. About not really being awake at the wheel of life and thinking about what I want and then taking the action steps to get it.. To make it happen.. I am so grateful I have finally started the process of waking up.. A year ago I would never thought I would be blogging every Monday and for sure never thought anyone would want to read it.. I now believe that all things are possible with hard work and never giving up..
  Over the weekend they installed the left dedicated turn signal on Hwy 61 that I spoke of in a previous blog.. I can't tell you how moved I was that I had an impact on something that both myself and others will benefit from.. That makes an intersection safer for all those that travel it.. I can't tell you how it feels to have a thought and pursue it until fruition.. I hope some of this will inspire you to take a personal inventory and actively think about what you want.. Develop a plan-- Wake up and go for it!! So what's your rock gonna be?

Tootles :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

taking a vacation blog day

Greetings and Salutations--
I had company over the weekend--I'm pooped and going to bed!! come back next week!! Hope all is well-

Tootles :)