Monday, December 31, 2012

The First Step's A Loo-Loo...Jump In To 2013!!

Greetings and Salutations--
  Well-- this is it-- last day of the year.. I can't believe that this year is over.. By far and large this is the fastest year of my life.. So much has happened and I am filled to the brim with hope and passion that 2013 will be the first year of the best years of my life.. This is my sincere wish for you as well..
  When I was a kid growing up I would usually be at my grandmother's house watching the ball drop on TV in NYC and cut up newspaper for confetti to throw at midnight.. As I grew older I would spend the final hours of the eve frantically writing out my resolutions (usually about 20) thinking that it was bad luck to not have them all written down and committed to memory before midnight.. As I wrote out the list, deep inside I knew as much as I truly wanted everything I had listed to come true-- I had no real skill how to pull off lasting change.. Starting to teach myself the skills of long lasting life changes is what this past year has been about for me..
  This past year has taught me so much.. I have learned that real, sustainable change is slow and steady with lots of missteps and bobbles-- Set back and failures-- Short comings and disappointments..  I have learned that real, sustainable change is sweet and wonderful--happy and soulful--given me a new sense of tenacity and consistency is a bitch you love to hate (LOL).. I have also learned that life is truly what you make of it and you can either see the good or the bad.. Its that simple.. The saying make lemonade of lemons takes on a sharper meaning.. I have heard this saying my whole life.. I always saw the lemonade out of lemons.. I never really concentrated on the MAKE part.. The action part of that cliche is so subtle it is almost hard to concentrate on.. It doesn't say LET lemons make lemonade.. It doesn't say lemons WILL MAKE lemonade.. I recently read an article in Yoga Journal that a guy framed a placard with the word "YES" on it and placed it in his home where he would see it everyday to remind him to say "YES" as much as possible in his life.. How cool is that??  The human condition is truly remarkable to me.. How we can all see the exact same thing (or hear it) yet walk away with different interpretations??  Amazing.. Its is a fundamental belief to me that if you believe that all things are possible and say yes every chance you get-- your life can change in dazzling ways..
  What do you want out of life??  Are you where you want to be??  Do you believe no is the answer to most questions in life than yes?? Do you ask questions? Are you curious about life?? Do you give people the change to amaze you?? Is your heart open?? Is your mind open?? How do you deal with disappointment?? Do you have malice in your heart?? Have you given up?? Are you numb to everything??  Are you scared??
  I want to challenge you in 2013 to START the journey to make your life into that you want it to really be.. I don't assume that you are miserable.. I just take the idea that most all of us can benefit from some deep personal inventory.. Maybe all you need to do is some light house keeping in your mind and soul.. Most all of us need more than that though.. If you have all of your poop in a group then maybe you know someone you can inspire or help make them more self aware..
  Make a list of a few choice (3-5) things that you want to see change in your life.. Take your time (say like before the end of January 2013) .. Its OK if it stings a little--then you know its real.. Choose at least one thing that you have no earthly idea how you will pull off.. Then think about it.. Lament about it.. Read it over and over and see what starts to happen.. Read a book about it.. Talk to someone who is or has done what you want to do.. Don't worry about how you are going to do it.. Just start somewhere--anywhere.. Start slow.. Real change comes about slowly and with initial failure.. Sometimes lots of it.. Just do this-- commit to start somewhere and commit to not quitting no matter how many times it takes you to get it right.. No matter how long it takes.. Just keep at it every day.. I promise if you just start and figure it out as you go amazing things will happen along the way.. It will all come together in ways you can't imagine or figure out sitting on the couch or with a life full of in-action.. Whats on your list?? Please write and tell me..
  Best of wishes to you and your families and may we all have a blessed and wonderful New Year-- Don't accept anything less

Tootles  :)

1 comment:

  1. "Poop in a group"? Love it! Great words to start off a new year that everyone can appreciate no matter their status in life....Happy New You 2013!
