Monday, November 26, 2012

Do They Sell Pixie Dust At The Mall?

Greetings and Salutations--
  So I have been thinking-- There are a few times of the year that get you in a pensive mood.. I would imagine that it is different for each of us.. For me the holiday season is one of those times.. It is a time of year that is an easy measure of a new beginning-- coming with the new year and the air is crisp with cold wind.. I love the decorations and all the beautiful lights.. I love any opportunity to sit around a fire and think of my future and where it is headed..
  How many times in your life have you experienced moments of time--maybe lasting for hours or days where things felt surreal? Clinically-- I imagine it must be the moments when you are having a natural endorphin release.. I want to explore how to define it better than that but not sure how.. I know only this-- these are the moments I live for.. I like to think of these times as if pixie dust is all around me..  It could involve the company of a friend, spouse, lover, or just yourself.. Maybe it is a beautiful day where the weather is perfect, there is a awesome cool breeze, and the windows are up in your home.. You have a great book, a nice glass of wine, and candles burning while listening to your favorite relaxing music.. You look around and are overwhelmed with the feeling of peace and warmth yet you can't explain it in tangible terms.. How is one moment different from another?.. How do you describe in objective terms a subjective feeling when the room is quite and you watch the sun come into the window while the curtains blow gently in the breeze?? Where you have that feeling of wanting what ever it is that you are experiencing to last forever.. How do we make these experiences last longer? Can you learn to make them come around more often?
  For me I am especially attached to music.. On "pixie days" it can bring tears to my eyes even though I have heard a particular piece a million times..  It is as if I can feel the music coursing through my veins.. I can often times listen to a piece of music and remember a specific day and recall what I was feeling/experiencing with vivid detail..
  I want to have as many of these days and moments as possible.. Here is another time it can happen-- when Hollywood gets it right and a movie you watch touches you.. I have recently been "bitten" by the Twilight Saga.. I watched the first one when it came out and wasn't impressed.. I am not much for vampire stuff.. However I had seen the trailers for the last movie in the series and actually noticed that it appealed to me on some level that I couldn't describe.. Some how I knew I would love it.. Soon after I had an opportunity to go with some old work friends.. I LOVED IT!!  I couldn't follow everything that was going on but it didn't matter.. It struck me as one of the most (for a love story) intelligent movies I have seen in quite some time.. The characters were all lovable, had great depth, and personality.. I appreciated that it wasn't the typical "rules" for vampires..I loved the powers that independently were great but collectively worked to unify them all perfectly..
  Most of all I really identified with the love story between Edward and Bella.. I want that.. Does that make me a hopeless romantic? unrealistic? silly?  Look-- I know I have tons of things left to experience in life but I have also lived enough to know that bills, late nights, lack of sleep, stress, and overall reality creeps in every relationship.. I know that Hollywood can make the impossible look as easy as Sunday morning..Hollywood can scue reality to the point of not knowing it is unreal.. Maybe it is because I am not married with kids/teenagers and to someone that more days than not I am tired of.. That constantly pisses me off.. Maybe being single, by default makes me either a cynic or a hopeless romantic-- but here is what I believe exists-- that feeling of a love for someone that you know from the depths of your heart you were meant to be together in an instant.. That truly for better or worse you are willing to go to the depths of hell for that person more days in a month than not.. I believe in soul mates and I believe that most people never meet theirs.. I hope I am fortunate enough to meet mine.. He'll be the one with pixie dust in his hands.. what about you? What do you believe in?

Tootles  :)


  1. Twilight???? Really???? LOL....Send me some Pixie dust, I am a hopeless romantic but believe most women don't really want that!!! Good guys finish last, the girls always fall for the dirtbags.....I'm not giving up though, there is someone out there for me... :-)

  2. I guess you can't always control what touches you...LOL..I think it is less about "what all women want" and more about the one that you find and what she wants...glad to hear you are determined! You will find her :)

  3. Now I get it.
    I can tell you from experience, you may think you have found your "Edward" than years go by and you find out that Mr. or Mrs. Right, is not what you have hoped for. Then, do you chalk them to a learning experience and move on, or do you grin and bear it because you don't have the balls or stamina to start over.
    Have you ever wondered if Edward has been there, but just never knocked on your door hard enough for you to hear?
