Friday, August 30, 2013

Two Half's Really Do Make A Whole

Greetings and Salutations,
(originally started writing this Tuesday)
     Good Morning.. I write to you at 0609 (got up at 0540) eating yogurt and granola, waiting on the sunrise so I can play tennis on a backboard.. Its funny to find myself in this position of waiting on the sun to come up.. This hasn't happened in like possibly forever LOL.. So I thought I would judiciously use my time and write on my blog since I am tardy this week anyway.. I am still a student of learning time management.. Lately it has become a challenge to sit still and write..
     So I have been wondering for awhile now and the last thought on my mind before I went to sleep last night is this about relationships.. Is it less abnormal than society makes you feel to have more than one partner in a lifetime? Is life meant for a vase majority of us to be lived in two distinct halves? Is that the norm and a lifetime with one person the aberrancy instead of the other way around?
     The first half of life being where you are young, silly, and ignorant to the lessons life has in store to teach you.. If you don't pay close attention and learn to adapt (together) over the years you get burned and unfortunately for most, it will ultimately cost you your marriage.. Some people are smart and choose wisely early on in life and are lucky to have found someone in their twenties (or earlier) and make it an entire lifetime together.. Most of us unfortunately do not find ourselves in that position.. I see so many of my friends or people I meet randomly that divorce after twenty or thirty years of marriage..
     The second half begins somewhere just on the other side of your "prime".. When thoughts settle in that you are beginning to feeling your youth slip away and bones ache that didn't yesterday.. Your face starts to age right before your eyes and you watch those around you getting older along with you.. Suddenly it dawns on you that you are at a crossroads to decide if will you consciously "let yourself go" or work hard to enrich your life like never before..
     That what came easily and effortlessly to you in your twenties and thirties--health, burning your candle at both ends, your body, your thoughts, now takes effort and serious work.. It is difficult for me to explain how much different I feel towards and about life at forty-three.. How different I feel towards myself actually.. But I can tell you it's profoundly different than when I was thirty-three..
     Some how in our society, as a divorced (or never been married) person in your forty's YOU are your own baggage.. Somehow you feel like you failed yourself because you don't have the same life you started in your twenties.. Maybe for humans as complicated as we are, having more than one mate in a lifetime really is more often that not, enviable and should be embraced without shame or regret.. Maybe the one you "grew up with" is the one that if you are luck and learned anything, helped prepare you be the person you are today.. Prepared you for the one you will spend the second half of your life with.. I never hear someone say they are more stupid today then they where twenty years ago-- do you?    
     So as I see it two halves really do make a whole life.. Instead of looking back on the first half of your life with regret and wishing you could be who you are now back then, look to the future and know that the life you have lived up until now was meant to make you who you are today.. Embrace every bobble, every mistake, every lesson.. Know that the second half of life really is where it all comes together.. That your life culminates in the second half..
     Damn, how many times have I heard that life begins at forty and only in this moment do I really now start to understand what everyone has been talking about.. Should you be with the one you started out in life with, cheers.. Should you be searching for someone to spend the second half of your life with keep looking and don't give up.. The person you seek is out there..  Believe, that it isn't necessarily about "finding" your soulmate, its more about traveling on your own personal journey in life that causes your paths to cross..

Tootles :)