Monday, September 9, 2013

Inspiration Via TV

Greetings and Salutations
     I wrote this while cycling in the hotel for my reunion weekend.. The cycle had a TV and since I stopped subscribing to cable, I figured if I was going to watch TV, might as well make it smut :)  I was watching a popular family reality show.. That is what inspired this blog..
   So here I am biking 10 miles, getting my sweat on, listening to my IPOD, and watching the show.. Its like watching a train wreck-- you can't look and you can't NOT look.. I had the volume off and was truly amazed at what I observed watching only body language and facial expressions.. I haven't had many opportunities to watch TV for an extended period of time without sound.. What I observed made me think about the commonalities as human beings we have that link us all together..
     These girls have money, fame, and beauty yet they appear so profoundly empty. In almost every shot, their faces are angry and filled with contempt.. They are checking off all the boxes in life, yet so sullen.. The drama is for the cameras and scripted of course but I think there is more truth that lies just below the surface than one might think.. Maybe its 100% acting, but I'm not so sure..
     What I see are women that have it all and yet make the same poor choices in choosing a mate that most of us have some where along the line.. When you can have anyone on the planet you want, how could you possibly chose the men they have and stick with that decision? My expectations of people who consume life at that level is much higher than what I observed.. Maybe my expectations are as unrealistic as "reality TV".. Maybe that is why I don't care for these types of shows.. That when you can afford anything in life you use that to your advantage and not squander it by acting like an idiot.. Atleast it did get me thinking and I always love that..
     In the end, I decided to contemplate what connects "them" to common people like myself.. One of the things that can either take us to the next level in life or cripples us as human beings is our understanding of our own humanity.. Most all of us want three basic things in life: Love, acceptance, and a sense of belonging.. No amount of wealth, beauty, or privilege can side step that.. Our desire for these three feelings are one of the many things that connects us no matter where you are in the hierarchy of life..
     Maybe then our choices in friends, lovers, and mates is an outward expression of how worthy we feel about any of these elements from the inside.. It is amazing what we are willing to endure and the behavior that we are willing to justify from another person in order to feel loved, accepted, and a sense of belonging.. I find one of life's many lessons is to learn to be aware of these needs and what you are willing to do to achieve them.. Who you allow to participate in your life should be a healthy and conscious decision.. Begin with yourself: love yourself, accept yourself, and have a sense of self belonging.. Learn how to fulfill your own tank of these basics so those around you need only to top it off, not provide the entire supply..

Tootles :)


  1. Great....How much are you willing to sell yourself for? For some of us we would never shame ourselves or our families for fame or money. But the reality is we sell ourselves everyday when we compromise on our values and morals..Mon

  2. Excellent point!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)
